Ward Family Membership Form Completion Progress

70% Progressing... Share Your Opinion

Let's Vote!

Please take a look at each logo option and vote for which one you think would be a great representation of the Ward Family Legacy

Ward Family Reunion Logo Feedback

Welcome, Ward Family!

As we prepare for the upcoming reunion, we’re excited to share the

final logo design

for our family. This logo is intended to represent our roots, our legacy, and the rich heritage of the Ward family. We want your input to ensure it reflects the pride and unity we all feel as a family.

Take a moment to review the logo below and share your thoughts by completing the short survey. Your feedback is invaluable, and we want everyone to feel connected to this symbol of our family.

This is the font that was captured from the original ward family reunion sign seen on the FB Group and has been used for many reunions over the last few decades.

What We Need From You:

Review the Logo: Take a close look at the design, details, and message it conveys.

Complete the Survey: Share your feedback in just 3–5 quick questions.

Let us know what you love and if there’s anything we can improve.

Cast Your Vote: Help us decide if this will be our official logo for future family reunions and celebrations!

Why This Logo Matters:

The logo isn’t just a design—it’s a representation of our

family's legacy, history, and future.

It will be used on reunion materials, T-shirts, banners, and more, so your input is crucial!

Cast Your Vote Below!

Share any additional feedback or reccomendations for the logo for us to discuss on the next family call

Copyright © Ward Family NEC